Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life in Fast Forward

Have you ever felt that part of your life has just flown by and you cannot remember much of what was done? Well, that has been the past two weeks for me. But it will probably also keep happening throughout the summer time as there are many things that I have planned, and who knows what will come my way in that time too to help make me even busier!

Are you ready for the fast forward feeling of summer?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Weekend in Saskatchewan

This weekend I went to Saskatchewan for my cousin Tamara's wedding to Matthew! It was a beautiful day for them, and everything with the wedding and the reception were true to their personalities. I am so glad that I was able to get there!

The picture of the blanket is what I made for them as their wedding gift. I think it turned out beautifully, considering that I drew it out on paper and used different colors of markers for the different colors of squares that were not true to the colors in the blanket.

On our way back today, as Stacy and I went in her car to Regina, there was some bad accident close to Broadview involving a chemical spill, so we had to find our own detour along the gravel roads around there, after we had sat to wait to see what was going on for quite a while!

All in all, it was a great weekend of visiting, laughs, fun, and emotions (yes Dad, I know!), catching up, and seeing people that I had not seen in several years!