Sunday, June 24, 2007

And If You Give a Kid a Playstructure

They explore and play, but tend not to wander away too far from their safety net!

If You Give an Adult a Playstructure.....

Hmmm, I wonder about the example these adults gave to the children they were with!!
Well, actually I know that the children loved the time at the playstructure and watching the adults in their lives get going on the thing as well. Nora specifically asked her Auntie Stacy if she needed help when the going got a little rough for Stacy, but she managed just fine!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Have Finally Seen It

*sigh* After completely falling in love with the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" and seeing it's sequel, I have now finally seen "At World's End". There have been many mixed reviews to this movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story as well as the tying up of loose ends, not to mention the fine visual effects and visual story-telling in it! Again, at the end of the movie I made a promise to myself that the day it comes out on DVD I will be buying it! There are few movies that I say that after, and when I promise that to myself afterwards, I make a point of doing just that!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

Okay, so the whole day here is beautiful, as was yesterday, but the song came to mind when I started thinking about the past couple of days here. Yesterday I even decided to walk to my errands instead of bussing it, and in doing so got a pleasant surprise. I was able to walk by a calm Canadian goose who was sitting just off the bike path that cuts through the greenspace behind my apartment building. It didn't seem to mind the people who were walking or biking by it, and just sat there calmly taking it all in. I guess it was people watching, as people often go bird-watching!

Today was our day to celebrate the achievements of those in our congregation who are graduating from high school or post-secondary education. It was a surprise to me some of the high school graduates because I still think of them as children, but here they are graduating from high school. And in just a few weeks when we have our children's program windup I will hopefully see my niece up front with her class, and yet it still seems that she is just a little child, but in a couple of months she will be three years old already. I remember driving out to Steinbach the day she was born and holding her when she was just four hours old!

So, in addition to reminiscing, and being caught off guard for how old some people are, I am busy with preparing for the Vacation Bible School that I am helping to teach at my parent's congregation, keeping busy with my work, my crafting, and my writing.