Saturday, February 10, 2007

Living Mute in a Speaking World

Today Stacy and I had to do a few errands, and pick up a few things to help my throat feel better. Unfortunately I still had no voice! So, I pantomimed to Stacy for most of the stuff, and she verbally explained to the person what was needed. I had lots to do at the bank, so Stacy volunteered to be my 'voice' so it would go faster. She did this for lunch as well as most everything else. I found myself only trying to get my point across to people when she wasn't there. These included: getting people's attention to let me past in the store, asking for two Loonies instead of a Toonie, and letting others past me in the store. I had to reach out and pat the people on the shoulder to get their attention in the store, and frantically pantomime at the cashier for the change difference. And I nodded when people said 'Thank You' for letting them past.

Makes me wonder about how I would get around if this were a permanent voice loss!

Oh, and Stacy has stated several times that she cannot wait for me to get my voice back because it is annoying that I cannot talk! ;-) This from the one who has said several times before that I talk too much!!

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