Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12 - Something I am OCD about

Okay, truth be told this is a hard one to post. No one wants to really, truly admit that they are Obsessive Compulsive about anything! I will tend to say, when I think something I'm doing is getting out of hand, that my A R (Anal Retentiveness) or my OCD is showing, but I'm half in jest and all in earnest. ;-)
That being said, I would have to say that one thing I am most OCD about is my routine. And not just my get-up-and-go routine, or my home-from-work routine, or the different routines I need to be in on different days due to part-time work two evenings a week, or school, but also when I have decided that my day, say a Saturday, is going to along a certain timeline look out if someone tries to throw a wrench in those plans.
So, my routine, or how I have planned to manage my time to get the most amount of things done, would have to be the one thing I am the MOST OCD about. There are probably many other things I am OCD about, but they are not to the point of this one!

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